Sold: 141 Building / Monroe, LA

Sold:  Multi tenant office building / 141 Desiard Street, Monroe, LA
Date Recorded:  June 5, 2012
Seller:  Richland State Bank
Buyer:  Desiard Court, LLC (Matt Harris, Dallas, TX)
Price:  $1,050,000
Source:  Conveyance record / The Legal Recorder, Inc.
No guarantee is made regarding the above information.

Sold: Land next to Sam’s / Monroe, LA

Sold:  Land next to Sam’s / Monroe, LA
Date recorded:  June 1, 2012 (Deed with restrictions)
Seller:  Sams Real Estate Business Trust
Buyer:  Yogi Monroe, Inc. (Ramesh and Naresh Patel)
Sale Price: $525,000
Source:  Conveyance Record / The Legal Recorder, Inc.
No guarantee is made regarding the above information.