Sold: Vacant land / Corner of Cypress and Wallace Dean

Sold:  Pad site on corner of Cypress Street and Wallace Dean (Well Road Exit)
Seller:  Twist Cypress, LP, et al
Buyer:  Ace Distributors, Inc. (Karminder Dhailiwal)
Price:  $825,000
Date:  March 6, 2012
Property Description:  1.327 acres ($14.27 / SF)
Source:  Conveyance record
Note:  The above information is for reference only and should
not be relied upon without further verification. 

Sold: Land on Good Hope Road (1.9M)

Sold:  Land on Good Hope Road
Date Sold:  2/29/2012
Seller:  NOE Holdings LLC
Buyer:  Gretchen Kovac Construcion, Inc.
Price:  $1,900,000
Size:  Around 145 acres per the Ouachita Parish Tax Assessor (online deed illegible)
Source:  Ouachita Parish Clerk of Court – Online
Note:  The above information is for reference only and should not be relied upon
without proper verification. 

Sold: Land off Highway 165 / Behind Richwood School

Sold:  Land off Highway 165, behind Richwood School
Date Sold:  February 9, 2012
Seller:  Kenneth Anderson, et ux and Donald Plunk, et ux
Buyer:  Southeastern Freight Lines, Inc.
Price:  $850,000 (25 acres + 2.4056 access servitude)
Source:  Conveyance Record
Note:  The above information is for reference only and
should be properly verified before relied upon for any reason. 

Sold: Chateau Restaurant Property

Sold:  Chateau Restaurant / 50’s Grill property on Louisville Avenue / Monroe, LA

Date Recorded:  January 30, 2012 (two records)
Seller 1:  Victor Charles Cascio, et al
Seller 2:  Victor David Cascio
Buyer 1:  Brandy House, LLC
Buyer 2:  Brandy House, LLC
Price 1:  $350,000
Price 2:  $900,000

Note:   The above information is for reference only and no guarantee is
made regarding the accuracy of the above information.  This data should
not be relied upon without proper verification. 
Source:  The Legal Recorder, Inc.