Sold: Former Pines Hill Golf Course

Sold:   Former Pines Hills Golf Course

Seller:  Calvert Crossing Golf Club, LLC

Buyer:  Cruzn I, LLC (James Garland / Charles Burkett, III)

Date:  8/29/2014

Price:  $750,000

Area:  122.22 acres per conveyance record (most of the area is deed restricted for residential use)

Note:  The above information is for reference only and should not be relied upon without proper verification.

Source:  The Legal Recorder, Inc. / Conveyance Record:  Book 2388 / page 195

Pnes Hills

Whataburger on Louisville Avenue / next to Arby’s

Memorandum of Lease and Competitor Exclusions

August 20, 2014 (Book 2387 / Page 407)

Landlord:  Peters Family Urban Properties, LLC

Tenant:  Whataburger Real Estate, LLC

What:  15 year ground lease / 1.28 acres on Louisville Avenue (next to Arby’s)

“Tenant intends to build a restaurant facing Louisville Avenue.”  Source:  memorandum of lease.

Source:  Conveyance record / Note:  this information is for reference only and should not be relied

upon without proper verification.  The information in this post is not guaranteed.




Sold: Glenwood Trace Apartments

Glenwood Trace


Sold:   Glenwood Trace Apartments

Date:  7/14/2014

Seller:  Glenwood Trace, LLC

Buyer:  LCP West Monroe, LLC

Price:  $5,000,000

Note:  The accuracy of the above information is not guaranteed.  Not for use without proper verification.

Source:  The Legal Recorder, Inc. / Conveyance records


Sold: Towne Oaks Apartments

Towne Oaks


Sold:   Towne Oaks Apartments

July 9, 2014

Seller:  Munimae Towne Oaks, LLC

Buyer:   Juniper McKeen, LLC

Price:  $6,000,000

Note:  The above information is for reference only and should not be relied upon without proper verification.  The accuracy of the above information is not guaranteed.

Source:  The Legal Recorder, Inc. / Conveyance Records

Sold: Live Oaks Apartments (formerly Oakmont)

Sold:  3000 Evangeline / Monroe, LA (Live Oaks Apartments)

Date:  July 9, 2014

Seller:  Munimae Live Oaks, LLC

Buyer:  Juniper Evangeline, LTD

Price:  $6,225,000

Note:  The above information is for reference only and should not be relied upon without proper verification.  The accuracy of the above information is not guaranteed.

Source:  The Legal Recorder, Inc. / Conveyance records

