Sold: North Louisiana Motor Speedway

Sold:  North Louisiana Motor Speedway / Monroe, LA
Date Recorded:  November 10, 2011
Seller:  Biz Capital Bidco II, LLC
Buyer:  G & J Investments of Ouachita, LLC
Price:  $726,000
Book / Page:  2270 / 183

Note:  The above information is for reference only and should not be relied upon without
proper verification.  Source:  The Legal Recorder, Inc.

Sold: Ferrand Place Apartments

Sold:  Multi-family complex / Ferrand Place Apartments / 2307 Ferrand / Monroe, LA
Date Recorded:  Sept. 20, 2011
Seller:  Benamin Siglin Gorman
Buyer:  We Rn Property, Inc.  (Officer:  James T. Strong)
Price:  $825,000
Source:  The Legal Recorder, Inc. 
Note:  The above information if for reference only and
should not be relied upon without proper verification.