Sold: 2461 Tower Drive (office) / Olive Garden construction to begin soon

2461 Tower Drive

Sold:  2461 Tower Drive / Professional office

Date:  6/25/14

Seller:  Wood Consulting LLC

Buyer:  Tower Investments of Monroe, LLC

Price:  $955,000

Size:  8,032 total SF / 6,671 usable SF (per MLS)

Source:  MLS / The Legal Recorder, Inc.


Olive Garden to Return Soon

Contract:  GMRI, Inc. (owner) / Jerry Kachel Builders, Inc. (Contractor)

Contractor and Owner has entered into a contract to provide the following work:  Construction of an Olive Garden Italian Restaurant.

Location:  4781 Pecanland Mall Drive, Monroe, LA

Price of  Work:  $1,432,507

Source:  Clerk of Court / Contract #1653022